Inspiring and educating (new) pilots since 2016

Hi there!

I’m Senne, the proud founder of Hangar.Flights. What began as a personal passion project has now flourished into a globally recognized aviation media company.

We are now a go-to source for over 25,000 monthly visitors from across the globe. Our content ranges from captivating flying stories to practical guides for student pilots, and comprehensive reviews of pilot gear.

We are committed to enriching your aviation journey. Whether you’re a student pilot navigating the skies of flight training, an experienced aviator seeking advanced insights, or an enthusiast absorbed in aviation lore, we are here to support and inspire you.

Hangar.Flights transcends the traditional boundaries of a website. We are a vibrant community, a repository of knowledge, and a source of inspiration. Our platform is a testament to our dedication to the aviation field, offering a unique blend of expert content, community engagement, and educational resources.

I hope those who use this website will find value in the content we publish. I hope we can inspire people to chase that aviation dream, and I sincerely hope you will become a better and safer pilot after reading some of our articles and other content.

Fly safe,

Senne Vandenputte – Founder


Contact us

Whether you have a question, want to have a chat or meet me over a few beers, just send us an email on and we will get back to you as soon as we can!

We are, of course, always open to suggestions to improve the website and grow our community. We would love to hear what you think about Hangar.Flights and get your remarks, questions and suggestions.

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